Connect Your Dental Practice’s Next Health Booking with Google Ads

Learn how to grow your dental practice by connecting your Next Health booking widget with Google Ads.

At, we help dental practices like yours grow online. Connecting your Next Health booking widget with Google Ads can bring more patients to your door.

Why Connect Next Health with Google Ads?

"By automating patient engagement, practices can see significant growth," says Next Health. Read more about it here.

Connecting Next Health with Google Ads means:

  • Lower cost per conversion: Google will optimize for actual bookings that show on your schedule once you're feeding that data back to Google.
  • Improved conversion quality: Once you are sending real patient data back into your Google Ads, the conversion quality will increase tremendously.
  • More conversions: By automatically feeding actual bookings back into the system, you will generate more conversions because you will waste less on clicks that did not convert, and that will happen automatically.

How Does It Work?

We use Google Tag Manager to connect your Next Health booking widget with Google Ads. This helps you track conversions better.

  1. Primary Conversions: Track actual bookings.
  2. Secondary Conversions: Track clicks on the booking button.

This way, you know how well your ads are working and how well your booking system is working.

Case Study: DSO Adds 1,000 New Patients in 90 Days

A dental practice group used our service and saw amazing results. By connecting their Next Health widget with Google Ads, they added 1,000 new patients in just 90 days! Learn more about their success.

Why It Matters

Connecting your Next Health booking widget with Google Ads helps:

  • Get more patients for less: Your ad campaigns will have lower costs because you'll be removing wasted ad spend.
  • Take advantage of Google's AI: Google has thousands of demographic points they do not share with us. When you feed patient conversions back into Google, it automatically tries to get more of those conversions.
  • Improve your tracking: You will now be able to report actual conversions that show up on your schedule inside your Google Ads.

Get Started Today

Ready to grow your dental practice? Schedule a call with our team for a free marketing analysis. We'll show you where your practice ranks and how to improve.

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By connecting your Next Health booking widget with Google Ads, you can take your dental practice to the next level. Contact us today to get started!