How to Maintain a Healthy Cost Per Click for Dental Practices in Google Ads

When it comes to growing your dental practice in today's competitive landscape, getting the most out of your Google Ads is critical. One metric that can make or break your ad campaigns is the cost per click (CPC). Over the past 90 days, has observed an average CPC of $6.81 for dental practices. This figure can fluctuate depending on the location and specific dental service advertised, but for general dentist queries, it’s a good benchmark to aim for. 

For instance, specialty dental services like implants or orthodontics typically have higher CPCs due to higher competition, while general dental services tend to be closer to the average.

In this blog, we'll break down the importance of maintaining a healthy cost per click for dental practices in Google Ads, share some expert tips to manage your CPC effectively and provide insights on how you can grow your practice while keeping your ad spend in check.

What is Cost Per Click (CPC) and Why Should You Care?

Simply put, CPC is the price you pay every time someone clicks on your ad. While it may seem like a small amount at first glance, those clicks can add up fast. Maintaining a healthy CPC for dental practices in Google Ads is essential for managing your marketing budget and ensuring that your ad spend drives real patient inquiries.

A lower CPC means you're getting more clicks for your dollar, which in turn helps you maximize visibility and increase new patient leads. However, balancing your CPC   with quality clicks—those likely to convert into actual appointments—is key.

How to Maintain a Healthy Cost Per Click for Dental Practices in Google Ads

Keeping your CPC manageable requires a combination of strategic planning and active campaign management. Here are some simple steps to help you maintain a healthy CPC for dental practices in Google Ads:

1. Optimize Your Keywords

The keywords you target have a significant impact on your CPC. General dental terms like "dentist near me" can drive traffic, but you’ll want to refine your strategy to include long-tail keywords that are less competitive but still relevant.

For example, targeting "affordable dentist in [city]" or "family dentist accepting new patients" can help lower CPC while attracting qualified leads.

2. Geotargeting for Local Audiences

Your ads should focus on patients in your specific geographic area. Use geotargeting to narrow your audience and reduce competition with practices outside your location. This ensures you’re not wasting ad spend on clicks from people who aren’t in a position to book an appointment.

3. Improve Ad Quality Score

Your Ad Quality Score directly affects how much you pay per click. By improving the relevance of your ads, landing pages, and keyword selection, you’ll not only improve your campaign’s performance but also lower your CPC over time.

Success Story: The Smile Company

One of our standout clients, The Smile Company, saw incredible results after working with us. As a start-up practice, they managed to generate 400 new patients through a well-executed Google Ads strategy that focused on targeting the right keywords and keeping a close eye on CPC. This success story highlights how effective campaign management can drive significant growth while keeping costs under control.

Read the full case study here: The Smile Company Success Story

The 5-C Method: Guaranteed Results with

We understand the challenges dentists face today—balancing patient care with running a business and attracting new patients. That’s why at, we’re so confident in our 5-C Method that we offer a guarantee.

If after 90 days, you haven’t averaged 30 leads per month using our system, we’ll give you a free month of marketing services. Our goal is to help you succeed, and if you’re not getting the results you deserve, the least we can do is get you back on track.

Ready to Grow Your Practice?

Now that you know the importance of maintaining a healthy CPC for dental practices in Google Ads, it’s time to take the next step. Whether you're looking to optimize your current campaigns or want to start fresh, is here to help you grow your practice and attract more new patients.

Schedule a call with our team today at 1-855-980-0091 or visit our website for more information on how we can help you succeed: